Sunday, October 7, 2007


We, me and Karen, interviewed random people about 2008 presidential election at UT on October, 05, 2007, between 9am and 10am. At that time people in UT looked very busy because midterm is coming. We interviewed five people at UT. In addition, I interviewed two persons at my conversation club and a person at my dormitory. Everybody said they will vote 2008 presidential election and they are all registered. Most people want to next president is different from Bush and has good international reputation and should listen and notice people’ needs and different opinions. And specifically interviewees want next president to take care domestic problems, like health care and education. One of unique answer was that I hope next president won’t crazy person because Bush is crazy.
Every people have voted at least one time. They said “it was easy and quick but the line was very long.” A person said “it was fun because I did civic duty.”
Most people consider candidates’ policies and their own thinking when they vote except two people. One said I used to follow my family’s opinion but now, I try to follow my own opinion and another said I follow both, family and me.
Most people have a particular candidate who they support except three people. Three people support Obama and other two people also support Obama or Hillary or Democratic Party and the other said now is too early so I don’t know who they are exactly.
Most people answered “No” about what if women or African American were president, America would make a difference in the way policies? And people said if next president is women or African American, it would change America a little bit or nothing. But one guy said it would make a lot of differences from now.
Personally I love interview because it is very good way to approach American. And it works a lot. I mean I interviewed a lot of people so far for homework or making friends, so I made two good friends and I still keep in touch with them. This time also was good and precious but the topic was somewhat heavy. Next time I want an easy and fun topic.
I just felt the older people are, the more interested people are in politics like Korea. One of my interviewee he wanted to say a lot even history of America so his interview took about one and half hour. Hahaha But it was good because I learned a lot of expressions and listened to deep opinion about politics.
* . Rachel - journalism (Age about 22~26 )

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. a person who is honest and is aware of most Americans need especially about domestic problems.
4. Yes. At that time, I was in military service, so I voted by mail.
5. Political platforms are more important to me.
6. Obama I think he understands mental requisitions of people, and he know what Americans want, and he open to listen the other people’ opinions.
7. I don’t necessary think about where he is from and gender, whatever.
Candidates’ policies, thinking and mental capcity is more important than physical feature.

*. Rebecca - Business ? (22-26)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. someone who has good international reputation
4. Yes, Whoever she voted for won elections.
5. candidate
6. Obama Usually people in her hometown support Republican patry, but mysteriously, this time, People in her hometown like him so she also like him.
7. if Hilary win, nothing change or a little bit change
but if Obama win something different.

*. Robert (22-26)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. he has no idea yet
4. Yes, one time. It was eszy
5. He used to follow his family but now he is getting changed
6. He has no idea yet.
7. not really.

*. Richard (22-26)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Some are different from now and someone who is willing to listen other people’ opinions.
4. Yes. It was fun and great because he thought he was doing civic duty
5. Candidate
6. He is not sure because now is too early but he supports democratic party.
7. not really because a lot of people are involved in president’s missions and they advice president. It’s up to president’s assistants.

*. Kent – engineering (23)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Someone focuses on domestic problems, like health care, security, and
education and so on.
4. Before he went to vote, there are a lot of processes. But the day of election was very quick
5. Both
6. He supports Chuck Hagel, but he doesn’t run in 2008 presidential election yet because Republican party doesn’t want he run in election. So may be he will run in by himself. He showed good leadership and proper decision he was governor.
7. some parts will change a little bit, but in general it will be same.

*. Blake-physics (40)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. someone who has dignity and authority
4. Yes, long line, easy
5. personal belief that means he wants know candidate’s personality and truth so he really care about candidates’ past accomplishes and endorsements when they were governor or senator or congressman.
6. now is too early. This time is too political process.
7. Yes. Make difference especially foreign policies

*. Hugh - biology (50-55)
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Someone who isn’t crazy because Bush is crazy and can socialize medicine and make retirement benefit of portability and has a different world view from Bush and has opposite foreign policy of Bush’s one.
4. Yes easy, no problem whoever he voted for always lost elections
5. Not family’s belief because his family are very conservatives. He focuses candidates’ policies and degree which I believe that they will do what they say
6. Obama, Hillary, Kucinich (congressman of Ohio). They are totally different from Bush. They consider universal healthcare and campaign finance reform which is a way to try to get corruptions out. And they are against Iraq war.
7. Not hillary but Obama, At minimum, he would make a cosmetic difference and If American get really lucky he would make a lot of change of policies.


Anonymous said...

Awesome 21, fabulous interviewing!
I've got to hand it to you. You managed to get all your work done on time, and I know you were busy!
Anyway~great job!

Rachelle said...

I am very impressed at how much you were interested in this project and how you took it to the next level. I'm really happy and impressed that you took this assignment into your own hands and interviewed extra participants outside of class hours. Great work!